What Will Your Technician Inspect During An Annual Boiler Maintenance Visit?

16 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Like any other HVAC equipment, your home's boiler requires periodic maintenance and inspection. While you can perform a few essential maintenance tasks independently, having a professional technician examine your equipment at least once per year is important. Gas boilers can create several potential hazards, so ensuring yours remains as efficient and reliable as possible is crucial. This process involves cleaning critical parts of the boiler, including the flame sensors, burners, and condensate lines for high-efficiency condensing boilers. Read More 

Signs Your HVAC System Needs A Tune-Up

30 November 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Your HVAC system plays a big role in your home. It helps provide you with heating and air throughout the year during the cold and hot weather months, as well as those in-between months to help move around the air in your home to prevent it from getting stale in your home. If you aren't paying attention to these major appliances in your home, you could be setting yourself up for failure, and end up with a breakdown of your system long before it should start breaking down. Read More 

3 Considerations For Commercial Furnace Repair Issues

10 November 2022
 Categories: , Blog

No matter what type of business you run, you want to ensure your commercial space is up to certain standards. If your business is located in an area with moderate to extreme winters, then it's very important for you to have a functioning heating system. A good rule of thumb is to consider if people would feel like wearing a sweater in the space, then you should have a heating system that runs without any difficulties. Read More 

Common Questions About Routine Heating System Services

21 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Did you recently schedule a pre-season heating system check-up? Make the most of this HVAC service and go into the appointment ready with a list of questions. If you're not sure what to ask the contractor, take a look at the top furnace, heating system, and maintenance topics to cover. What Type of Filter Is the Right Option? A forced air heater relies on a filter to stop particles and pollutants. Read More 

The Impact Of A Dysfunctional Thermostat On Your Heating Unit

3 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

A thermostat is a crucial device that displays the ambient temperature and allows you to adjust it to the desired level. And so, your heating appliance's performance may decline if the thermostat happens to fail.  Moreover, you may incur hefty utility bills as your furnace overworks to heat your home adequately. Thus, you should contact a heating contractor to diagnose your unit for malfunction and remedy it. Below are ways in which a defective thermostat impacts your furnace. Read More